You can use these searching tips for your other classes too.
You find articles or article citations in databases. These will have articles most useful to you in this class.
IMPORTANT: In most of the databases below you'll see this button: If you don't see a link to the full text of the article, click on the Find It button ! It will open a new window or tab in your browser and it will show you if we have the full text of the article through one of our other online databases or if we have the journal that your article is from in print.
If you need to get the print article, be sure to note what volume you need and double-check that we do actually have that exact volume. Write down ALL the information about the article, including the call number of the journal. If you don't know where to find the print, someone at the Information Desk will be happy to help you.
Covers crime trends, prevention, deterrence, juvenile delinquency, justice, police, courts, punishment and sentencing. Indexes international journal articles, books, and governmental and non-governmental reports.
Search extensively indexed books, monographs, and conference papers. This index features citations with subject headings from a sociology-specific thesaurus designed by expert lexicographers. SocINDEX covers all subdisciplines of sociology such as anthropology, criminology, demography, ethnic, racial, and gender studies, marriage, family, and social structures, and social work.
Indexes psychology literature and related disciplines including psychiatry, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, cognitive science, and linguistics. Includes journals and book chapters. Use Historic PsycINFO to identify literature published as early as the 1920s. Links occur to full-text when available.
This multidisciplinary resource indexes journal literature of the social sciences. Represented disciplines include anthropology, business, communication, criminology, demography, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, history, law, political science, psychology, religion, social psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies. Search by topic, keyword, or author. Identify articles that cited a previous work. Links to full-text occur when available. Also known as SSCI.
Indexes research literature across a wide range of disciplines and formats. Use the library connection to gScholar to get more attached full-text articles.
How would you find the full text for the following citation?
Tillyer, R., Engel, R. S. & Wooldredge, J. (2008). The intersection of racial profiling research and the law. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 138-153.
To see how to cite the articles that you find for your lit review assignment as well as for your final research proposal, see our guide Citing Your Sources. Look on the tabs for APA or ASA format.
Do you need raw data to use in a statistical program like SPSS, SAS, or STATA? Try these sources: