ASM International serves practicing engineers, researchers, students, and industry specialists. It publishes handbooks and other research tools and provides training opportunities for its members.
The ASME publishes, sets standards, and provides conferences and courses worldwide. IT fosters technical competency and professional quality through accreditation.
International Council on Systems Engineering; develops, nurtures, and enhances interdisciplinary approaches to system development and the realization of successful systems.
Promotes the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds.
IEEE COS is dedicated to advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing technology. The IEEE Computer society hosts conferences and publishes journals, transactions, magazines, and conference papers.
The Institute of Electrical Engineers: IET interests include physics, electronics, electrical engineering, electronics manufacturing, and IT. Search INSPEC to find conference papers and journals.
The MRS fosters research leading to technological uses of materials. It stresses interdisciplinary approaches and cooperation among all types of research centers.
The Circuits Archive organizes circuit information for researchers and students. Categories include circuits, data sheets, models, microprocessors, software, reading capacitors, and resistor codes.
This spreadsheet, developed by ELD Scholarly Communications Committee in April 2021 (revised April 2024), provides references for OA policies of engineering and applied science society non-profit publishers.
MAP is sponsored by the National Physical Laboratory and the Phase Transformation Group of the University of Cambridge, UK. MAP is a central distribution point to validate and test algorithms used in modeling materials.