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HST 4650 - US Civil War: Home

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Online primary source collections through Wright State University Libraries subscription

All the resources below are available only in the Dunbar Library or off-campus by authenticating with your campus login (w number) and password.

Unlike the websites in the box above, these are only for Wright State students--we pay lots of money for subscriptions to these.

HST 4650: U.S. Civil War -- Online Civil War/Reconstruction primary source documents on the web

These are just starting places--there are many great online collections of Civil War and Reconstruction documents.

To find more, Google digital [or some version of this word] collections [your topic keywords]

You can also try (this would capture those by historical societies, for example) but remember that .org sites may be of poor quality--be sure to check who is sponsoring the website and what they are all about! will include U.S. government sites, including our national archives, Smithsonian institutions, and government departments.

Published print primary sources

These links go to the OhioLINK catalog.  Check the bibliographic record to see if Wright State's Dunbar Library owns a copy before you request it through OhioLINK..

Civil War primary sources at Wright State University Libraries Special Collections & Archives

Reference eBooks

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