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SciFinder-n: Description

Database Description for SciFinder-n


Limited Use: Wright State University faculty, staff, and students only

SciFinder-n provides access to chemical literature and patents through the following databases: Chemical Abstracts PLUS, the CAS Registry File, CASREACT and MEDLINE. Besides providing comprehensive coverage of chemical literature, the database also includes the literature of related fields such as biochemistry, geochemistry, environmental science, and toxicology. The SciFinder-n interface allows searching by several chemistry-specific parameters, including retrosynthesis planning, structure (with ChemDoodle integration), chemical substance, chemical reaction, CAS registry number, and functional groups.

CAS requires all SciFinder-n users to abide by special terms and conditions.  Please review these requirements carefully when creating a SciFinder-n account.

Complete a one-time registration form to create your own user name and password. You will then be able to use SciFinder-n both on and off campus.

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