1. Company financial research is easiest when the company meets all of the following criteria:
a. Publicly-Traded (as opposed to private)
b. A Parent Company (as opposed to subsidiary)
c. A Large Company (>$10 million total assets, >500 shareholders)
d. It's an actual Corporate Entity (ie. brand names are sometimes confused with company names eg. Aquafina is a brand, Pepsico is the company that produces it)
Use Hoover's Online to verify criteria a, b, c and d.
2. Occasionally, a company data item may not be readily available in a financial statement or a library source. An eg. might be the debt ratio. This data item can be calculated using Investopedia or Business Ratios and Formulas: A Comprehensive Guide.
3. To find sales data on private companies (as well as information on subsidiary companies and brand names), go to Company FAQs.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
IE provides company equity reports for investment research.
Mergent Intellect includes information on both public and private U.S. companies, Canadian companies, and international companies. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database of U.S. and Canadian employers.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
assets, liabilities, owners equity, retained earnings, stockholders equity...
Mergent Intellect includes information on both public and private U.S. companies, Canadian companies, and international companies. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database of U.S. and Canadian employers.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
revenue, expense, earnings per share (eps), dividends per share, earnings before interest and taxes (ebit)
Mergent Intellect includes information on both public and private U.S. companies, Canadian companies, and international companies. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database of U.S. and Canadian employers.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys Dunbar Ref Bookcase 3, HC106.6 .S74
Mergent Intellect includes information on both public and private U.S. companies, Canadian companies, and international companies. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database of U.S. and Canadian employers.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
common, preferred, price, quotes, dividends
Mergent Intellect includes information on both public and private U.S. companies, Canadian companies, and international companies. It also contains a residential database, company executive biographies, industry information, and a job search database of U.S. and Canadian employers.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
Search a collection of corporate and industry reports gathered from web-based resources. The archive includes more than 180,000 documents. For easiest use click search in the right margin and type a company name.
Search a vast archive of historical corporate documents and reports. The collection includes reports on corporations, countries, and industries.
Get business and financial information on over 10,000 domestic and foreign public companies. Profiles for each company include business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. Create custom reports for a company, as well as comparison reports of multiple companies.
long-term debt
IE provides company equity reports for investment research.
Search a collection of corporate and industry reports gathered from web-based resources. The archive includes more than 180,000 documents. For easiest use click search in the right margin and type a company name.
Aside from citing articles and books, have you ever wondered how to cite a company annual report or an industry report? The reality is, there is no "official" style for citing business sources. However, it is common practice to use adaptations of one of the following citation styles: the American Psychological Association (APA) Style or the Chicago Style. Whichever style you choose, use it consistently for the entire project/paper.