WorldCat contains the books from most of the college/university libraries in the U.S. plus some from Canada and Europe. You may be able to request books you find in WorldCat via Interlibrary Loan.
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Provides biographical information on notable people from antiquity to the present. Includes portrait images.
Read reliable biographical and critical essays on the lives, works and careers of important literary figures from all periods and genres. International authors are included but the work focuses on American and British writers. DNLB helps readers to understand writers within a larger perspective of literary history.
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Search hundreds of scholarly, subject-specific reference titles in many topic areas, including the arts, business, education, history, the sciences, technology, literature, and the social sciences. Excellent for in-depth overviews of terms or concepts. Search individual e-books or whole collections.
Read and search full-text scholarly and reference books from a wide range of publishers including ABC-Clio, Gale, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Sage, Springer, and university presses.
ORE contains authoritative encyclopedic articles authored by an international community of scholars across all fields of study. The collection of encyclopedias contains in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on a range of disciplines. Browse encyclopedias by title or search across all volumes by topic.
Search a selection of ebooks published by Oxford on economics and finance, philosophy, political science, and religion. Recently-published books are added each year.
Thousands of full-text journal articles and ebooks from the publisher Wiley and its hundreds of associated professional societies and associations.