Before starting your research, make sure you have a clear sense of what it is that you're looking for. Consider looking at more general sources to get a better understanding of the general topic. Some possible sources for this background searching, or presearch, are listed below.
Search hundreds of scholarly, subject-specific reference titles in many topic areas, including the arts, business, education, history, the sciences, technology, literature, and the social sciences. Excellent for in-depth overviews of terms or concepts. Search individual e-books or whole collections.
Search and read entries from over one hundred social science and science specialized reference encyclopedias published by Sage.
Search general reference resources, and business, consumer health, general science, and multi-cultural periodicals. Also includes full-text travel books, biographies, primary source documents, and photos, maps, and flags.
Search the full-text for regional U.S. newspapers and national and international newspapers, newswires, and TV and radio news transcripts. Several national and many regional news sources are included full-text. Abstracts of articles from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition are also available.
Access World News is a comprehensive resource that includes news publications from around the world. These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles. Access World News is updated daily to keep students informed of current issues and events, and it includes deep archives that provide background information on important topics, enabling students to trace an issue or event over a period of time.
Communications and Mass Media Complete offers full-text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals in the fields of communications, mass media and related fields. Some major journals begins from 1915 forward.
Search a full-text collection of health related resources for consumers. Information is from encyclopedias, reports, images, videos and pamphlets.
Search full-text journal literature in all areas of business, economics, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing. Includes company SWOT analyses, industry and country reports.
Search authoritative consumer-focused health information. Includes health books and pamphlets. Useful to get plain language reading on a variety of health topics.