Use IEEE Xplore digital library (or IEL) to get full-text access to world wide technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, and other related disciplines. IEEE Xplore includes IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings, and standards. IEEE Xplore also points to content from select other publishers including the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), MIT Press, IBM, Alcatel-Lucent, VDE Verlag, Morgan & Claypool, Tsinghua University Press, and Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information (BIAI).
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from IEEE.]
Use Computer and Applied Sciences Complete to find articles on computer theory and systems and the social implications of new technologies. Some full-text is available but you will need to use the Find-It button to determine Wright State access options to some of the literature.
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from EBSCO.]
The Web of Science Citation Index searches the literature that made the biggest research impact. Search SCI when you want to find quality over completeness. Use the Find-It button to determine Wright State University access options to the literature.
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from Clarivate Analytics.]
More database resources for Computer Science and Engineering
WSU no longer subscribes to the ACM DL.
The resource contains Association of Computing Machinery journals and selected conference proceedings. Some articles are available free.
Place an ILL request for others. ACM affiliated organizations contribute content. Abstracts are included for relevant non-ACM references.