The Dayton Holocaust Resource Center (DHRC) collection was gifted from the Frydman family and is housed within the Charles and Renate Frydman Educational Resource Center (ERC). It includes teaching materials such as curriculum guides, films, audiobooks, and kits about the Holocaust, genocides, racism, and bullying.
For more information about using the collection, visit the Wright State University Libraries' DHRC information page.
This resource guide provides those interested in the DHRC collection with an understanding of what materials are available and inspiration for utilizing the resources in a classroom!
The Dayton Holocaust Resource Center's permanent exhibit, Prejudice & Memory: A Holocaust Exhibit, is located in the National Museum of the United States Air Force.
Photograph taken during the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising, a young boy holds his hands over his head while a Nazi soldier points a gun in the young boys' direction.
Select one of the topics within the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center's scope to find resources by age group and details about what information is included in each topic.
Each age group's page will have resources by format: print, related-teacher resources, audio-visual, and related websites or articles.
Visit the University Libraries' Catalog to search for DHRC resources by selecting Dayton Holocaust Resource Center from the drop-down box list to the left of the Search button.
Enter search terms in the middle search bar with keywords related to the holocaust. Some terms to try:
QuickSearch combines results from many search tools for you to review in one list. Results come from the Wright State catalog and hundreds of library databases including all of our Ebscohost databases, JSTOR, the Web of Science, and others.
This guide includes tips, tricks, and techniques for conducting successful database searches.
AND: use to combine different concepts or keywords; each result will contain all search terms
Example: race AND holocaust
OR: use to connect similar concepts or keywords; each result will contain at least one of the search terms
Example: holocaust OR genocide
Quotation Marks " ": place around phrases to search for words in that exact order or with that exact spelling
Example: "concentration camp"
Parentheses ( ): place around related terms to search for more than one group of keywords
Example: (holocaust OR genocide) AND race
Asterisk *: use at the end of a keyword to search words that start with the same letters
Example: holocaust AND (bully* OR bullie*)
Database Suggestion:
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies is a collection available from Yale using Aviary. Full access is available with a personal account. Create an account here.
For Dayton-area Holocaust Survivor Testimonies, view our Faces of the Holocaust Video Testimonies through the Dayton Holocaust Resource Center (DHRC).