Having a strategy saves time and produces better results.
Your search strategy should include an understanding of what to do if you are not finding enough information or if you are finding too much information.
If you are not finding enough information, your topic may be too narrow.
Narrow Topic: Does cartoon viewing cause violent behaviors in children under the age of five?
Broader Topic: What are the negative effects of television viewing on children and adolescents?
Consider broadening it by
If you are finding too much information, your topic may be too broad.
Broad Topic: How can we solve the problem of organized crime?
Narrower Topic: How valid is the argument that legalizing currently illegal drugs would diminish the crime rate?
Consider narrowing it by:
Smaller piece of the topic:
Once you have identified some key terminology, the next step is to find background information on your topic. Background research serves many purposes.
Use these databases to find background information:
Use these techniques to control your search and retrieve the best results.