QuickSearch combines results from many search tools for you to review in one list. Results come from the Wright State catalog and hundreds of library databases including all of our Ebscohost databases, JSTOR, the Web of Science, and others.
Google Scholar works even better when you have it connected to your library. Set up your library link and get results that are available through the University Libraries.
Introduction to QuickSearch
Brief Look at QuickSearch Results
Effective Search Strategies: Database Limiters
Effective Search Strategies: Use Subject Terms
Saving Sources in QuickSearch
Citing Your Sources with QuickSearch
Use Boolean Operators as a way to narrow or broaden your search:
AND: use to combine different concepts or keywords; each result will contain all search terms
Example: race AND libraries
OR: use to connect similar concepts or keywords; each result will contain at least one of the search terms
Example: medicine OR health
NOT: use to exclude words or concepts; tells the database to ignore concepts implied by your search
Example: technology NOT database
Parentheses ( ): place around related terms to search for more than one group of keywords
Example: (teaching OR education) AND race
Asterisk *: use at the end of a keyword to search words that start with the same letters
Example: education AND librar*