Cover all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and all educational specialties, such as multilingual, health education, and testing, curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding, and related social issues. Some full-text is included. Other full-text may be available via Find-It.
Educational Resources Information Center contains citations to journal articles and document abstracts on all aspects of education research and practice. Full-text may be available via Find-It and linked ERIC documents.
JSTOR contains the complete digitized backfile of core scholarly journals from a broad range of academic disciplines.
This multidisciplinary resource indexes journal literature of the social sciences. Represented disciplines include anthropology, business, communication, criminology, demography, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, history, law, political science, psychology, religion, social psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies. Search by topic, keyword, or author. Identify articles that cited a previous work. Links to full-text occur when available. Also known as SSCI.
This multidisciplinary resource indexes journal literature of the arts and humanities and covers selected items from major science and social science journals. Represented disciplines include archaeology, architecture, art, classics, dance, film, folklore, poetry, history, language, linguistics, poetry, radio, television, and theatre. Search by topic, keyword, or author. Identify articles that cited a previous work. Links to full-text occur when available. Also known as AHCI.
Comprehensive index of critical, scholarly material in literature, criticism, drama, language, linguistics, humanities, and folklore. Worldwide coverage includes articles chosen from over 3,500 journals, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, and proceedings. Also known as the Modern Language Association International Bibliography. Links to full-text when available.
Communications and Mass Media Complete offers full-text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals in the fields of communications, mass media and related fields. Some major journals begins from 1915 forward.
Considered by many in education to be the primary database for education research, ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) includes citations for articles and ERIC documents. ERIC documents include research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, and other education-related materials. Many of these are unpublished except as ERIC documents. Because ERIC indexes these documents along with journal articles, ERIC is considered a good source of practitioner materials. As you view your results, you'll see that records have accession numbers or ERIC numbers (e.g., ED505664). ERIC documents begin with ED and journal articles begin with EJ.
One reason that education researchers like ERIC so much is because it has great limiters. When you're in the EBSCOhost version, be sure to look at all the limit options (find the advanced search screen). From there, you can limit to Educational Level (e.g., Two Year Colleges), Intended Audience (e.g., Practitioner), or Publication Type (e.g., Guides Classroom Teacher). You can limit by date, language, or peer review as well.
Educational Resources Information Center contains citations to journal articles and document abstracts on all aspects of education research and practice. Full-text may be available via Find-It and linked ERIC documents.
Often, you'll discover the right level of focus as you begin your research. Encyclopedias and dictionaries can be a great place to start this research. Use these resources to get topic ideas or for background information.
Search hundreds of scholarly, subject-specific reference titles in many topic areas, including the arts, business, education, history, the sciences, technology, literature, and the social sciences. Excellent for in-depth overviews of terms or concepts. Search individual e-books or whole collections.
Search and read entries from over one hundred social science and science specialized reference encyclopedias published by Sage.
Authoritative record of words in the English language. Includes definitions, word origins, and quotations showing the range of word meanings from the time they entered the language to the present.
ORE contains authoritative encyclopedic articles authored by an international community of scholars across all fields of study. The collection of encyclopedias contains in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on a range of disciplines. Browse encyclopedias by title or search across all volumes by topic.
Following a thread of citations allows you to see how one scholar influences another. Using the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), determine who is responding to the work of Vivian Zamel.
Keep in mind that scholars don’t cite only scholars with whom they agree; they cite other important scholars as well. Read the articles to determine whose “camp” a scholar is in.
You can also use the citation index to target a single article, for example, J. Truscott, "The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes," Language Learning, 46(2), 327-369, 1996. Use the title of the article on the Documents search page to find References used in the paper and cites by other authors.
Use Boolean Operators as a way to narrow or broaden your search:
AND: use to combine different concepts or keywords; each result will contain all search terms
Example: race AND libraries
OR: use to connect similar concepts or keywords; each result will contain at least one of the search terms
Example: medicine OR health
NOT: use to exclude words or concepts; tells the database to ignore concepts implied by your search
Example: technology NOT database
Parentheses ( ): place around related terms to search for more than one group of keywords
Example: (teaching OR education) AND race
Asterisk *: use at the end of a keyword to search words that start with the same letters
Example: education AND librar*
The University Libraries short "How-To" videos on navigating the Library's resources:
WorldCat contains the books from most of the college/university libraries in the U.S. plus some from Canada and Europe. You may be able to request books you find in WorldCat via Interlibrary Loan.
Identify worldwide library ownership of any type of material. Each entry contains descriptive information and library holdings. Most useful to determine ownership of books, archive literature, and journal subscriptions. Do not use to search for the content of book chapters or individual articles. The FirstSearch version of Worldcat includes advanced search options for highly developed search strategies.
Evaluate and compare journals using Web of Science social science and science citation data calculated as impact factors.