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History: Articles

Find articles, books, primary sources, and more for your history research papers.

Recommended Article Databases

Journal articles--along with books--are crucial secondary sources for your research papers.

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Articles: finding the full text of an article when you have the citation

How would you find the full text for the following citation?  This happens most frequently when you look in the footnotes or bibliography of an article--this is a great way to find primary sources on your topic as well.

Lindgren, James M. "The Specter of Salem: Remembering the Witch Trials in Nineteenth-Century America." New England Quarterly 82, no. 3 (September 2009): 554-557.

  1. Go to the library catalog search page. From the drop down menu, replace "Keyword" with the selection "Journal Title."
  2. Type your journal title (New England Quarterly) in the box. Do not type your article title in the box.
  3. If Wright State University Libraries owns your journal, see if we have the year, volume, and issue number you need. Note: it might be in electronic form or paper form.
  4. If Wright State University Libraries doesn’t have the journal you want or doesn’t have the year/volume/issue you need, use Interlibrary Loan.

Evaluating Journals

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Ximena Chrisagis
Dunbar Library 120
(937) 775-3516