WorldCat contains the books from most of the college/university libraries in the U.S. plus some from Canada and Europe. You may be able to request books you find in WorldCat via Interlibrary Loan.
Identify worldwide library ownership of any type of material. Each entry contains descriptive information and library holdings. Most useful to determine ownership of books, archive literature, and journal subscriptions. Do not use to search for the content of book chapters or individual articles. The FirstSearch version of Worldcat includes advanced search options for highly developed search strategies.
Search hundreds of scholarly, subject-specific reference titles in many topic areas, including the arts, business, education, history, the sciences, technology, literature, and the social sciences. Excellent for in-depth overviews of terms or concepts. Search individual e-books or whole collections.
Search a selection of ebooks published by Oxford on economics and finance, philosophy, political science, and religion. Recently-published books are added each year.
Cambridge University Press’ search platform for academic ebook and journal article content. Cambridge Core provides access to over 1.6 million journal articles and 36,000 books.
Read and search full-text scholarly and reference books from a wide range of publishers including ABC-Clio, Gale, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Sage, Springer, and university presses. Also known as the OhioLINK EBC.
Read the full-text of books from academic and commercial publishers, as well as a large number of older works in the public domain.