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Standards: 2 Order Standard

Order Standard

WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND FACULTY MAY ORDER STANDARDS THROUGH Engineering Workbench (by S&P Global Accuris).  This service is intended for student capstone projects and graduate research.  Use the following steps to order a standard with your Wright State Engineering Workbench account.

1 - Login into your Wright State University Engineering Workbook Account

Log into your Wright State Engineering Workbench account through the Wright State University Libraries website.  Select  Engineering Workbench.

IHS Main Menu screen shot with pointer to IHS Standards Workbench

2 - Search for your standard

Search for your standard using the standard number or browse to the standard with search keywords.  Select the standard from the list.

IHW Markit Standard workbench screenshot with search term boxed and pointer to hyperlinked title of standard

3 - Select the electronic copy of the standard

The cart note will read, "This document is not included in your corporate subscription package."  Select electronic copy.  The first page of some standards may be available to preview before purchase.

Screenshot of IHS Markit document viewer with pointer to electronic copy link near top right.


4 - Checkout

After you have finished selecting standards choose Checkout.  The red note reading, "Your request has been submitted for approval," is premature.  Your order has not been sent yet.  Read and accept the End-User License Agreement.

IHS Markit cart screenshot with pointer to checkout in lower right corner

5 - Continue Checkout

Verify that your order information is correct.   Choose the radio button for "Dayton - Greene County" to select the correct sales tax rate.  Click on Continue Checkout.

IHS Markit cart screenhsot with radio button for Dayton Greene County boxed and pointer to continue checkout bottom at the bottom of the screen

6 - Enter Order Justification

Enter the following information in the box labeled "Order Justification."  If you do not include all of these elements, your order will be rejected.



Group members: 

Project Title: 

Submit your order.

IHS Order cart conifirmation screenshot with highlighted order justification box and pointer to submit order button on bottom right


Note: First-time orders will require shipping address


If this is the first time you have placed an order you may get a message that says the order information is incomplete and that you must provide mailing information before you can proceed.  This message may display even if you have ordered an electronic copy of a standard.

Use the following Shipping Address.

Company Name: Wright State Univ. Library

Address 1: 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway

City: Dayton

State: Ohio

Zip Code: 45435

County: United States


7 - View Order Confirmation - Wait for Approval

Your order is successful when you are able to view an invoice.  Your order must be approved before you can download the standard.  The Engineering Librarian may consult with your professor.   If your order is approved or rejected you will get an email from in your Wright State University email account.  Wait for approval.

Screenshot of finished invoice waiting approval

Questions? Ask your librarian!

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Phil Flynn
Dunbar Library 120
(937) 775-2533

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