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This table should list all the sources that comprise your body of evidence and indicate Author (Year), Conceptual Framework, Design and/or Method Sample and/or Setting, Major Variables Studied (and Their Definitions), Measurement, Data Analysis, Findings, and Appraisal (Worth to Practice).
Be concise. Abbreviate heavily and be sure to include a legend at the bottom for abbreviations.
These methods are often used with systematic reviews.
Check out these short videos from Towson University's Health Professions Librarian Carrie Price for more information about PRISMA:
Journals that follow deceptive or fraudulent publication practices are often found alongside more legitimate publications, whether in Google Scholar or established library databases.
This study indicated that evidence synthesizers tend to advocate for having a process in place to identify predatory journals. They supported the need to assess the quality of the data published in them and indicated that only good quality studies should be incorporated into the synthesis.
When synthesizing evidence, you should have a clear protocol for how you will identify potentially predatory journals, how you will evaluate quality, and to what extent you will include studies from those publications.
Retraction aims to correct both fraud and unintended errors in the scientific record. Including retracted literature in evidence syntheses can cause patient harm. However, retraction notices are not always clearly publicized, so retracted articles often still get cited post-retraction.
This opinion piece calls for more careful scrutiny by authors, editors, and peer reviewers to avoid citing retracted articles.
This guide was inspired by Jodi Jameson's University of Toledo DNP Evidence-Based Practice Project: Library Resources Guide. It includes video, journal, and web content developed by many external authors/creators, as well as some content by Ximena Chrisagis. Some of the external content is reused under a Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution license. The sections in which Creative Commons-licensed material is reused are also licensed as Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution. When external content was not available under a Creative Commons license, it is linked rather than copied or extracted, and it is attributed to the content creator in the link name or description.