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LDR 7300 - Research Methods: Integrate

This guide includes library resources and library instruction support for the Research Methods class.

Integrating Your Sources Research Toolkit Workshop Videos

You have resources, how do you incorporate multiple resources and join the scholarly conversation? This Research Toolkit workshop includes 4 videos, each under 5 minutes long, and one video is done in collaboration with University Writing Center that can support you with your writing.

Once you're comfortable with how and why to integrate your sources, how do you credit the author(s) or creator(s)?

Include in-text citations and references of which resources you used and included!

Some useful APA Citation Format resources are below.

Websites for APA (American Psychological Association) Format

APA Manual

The most recent edition of this book is available for a 2-hour loan at the Circulation Desk.

Citation Rough Draft

When searching in a database, you can find a generated citation for a resource.

  1. Click on the resource you want to use for your project or assignment.
  2. Click Cite in the right sidebar titled "Tools".
  3. Scroll down to the citation style you need.
  4. Double-check the information in the citation rough draft for errors.
  5. Copy and paste the rough draft citation.
  6. Edit errors before turning in the project or assignment.

In the below image, you can see a screenshot of the above-mentioned cite button. In the purple box is the cite button. In the red box is the citation style.

In the below image, you can see errors in the generated citation. The author's name is in all caps, the article title is improperly capitalized, and the DOI is not listed. Be aware of this when using generated citation tools.

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