QuickSearch combines results from many search tools for you to review in one list. Results come from the Wright State catalog and hundreds of library databases including all of our Ebscohost databases, JSTOR, the Web of Science, and others.
AND: use to combine different concepts or keywords; each result will contain all search terms
Example: accessibility AND education
OR: use to connect similar concepts or keywords; each result will contain at least one of the search terms
Example: teach OR educate
Quotation Marks " ": place around phrases to search for words in that exact order or with that exact spelling
Example: "employee morale"
Parentheses ( ): place around related terms to search for more than one group of keywords
Example: (teach OR educate) AND accessibility
Asterisk *: use at the end of a keyword to search words that start with the same letters
Example: libraries AND (teach* OR educat*)
Video used with permission from NCSU under Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA US license
Before you can begin searching for information in a print or online resource, you need to identify keywords related to your topic. Key terminology can be found easily by scanning:
If you are still struggling, then try these suggestions: