A good poster is:
Depending on the requirements of the conference or event, some of the content to include:
Authors and Affiliations
Short introduction
Materials and methods
Conclusion and Discussion
Please note that if it is not required by the conference or event you do NOT have to include it. The more information you add the more cluttered the poster looks and the harder it is for participants to read.
Content and Body-Text, including Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, etc.:
Acknowledgements, Citations, References:
Color can be used to enhance your poster and attract viewers but must be used sparingly.
You can use color to:
If you're unsure of how it a color combination will look, print your poster in gray scale first to determine if there is sufficient contrast.
Title: 90pt or larger; use a san serif font (suggested: Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, Verdana)
Author & Affiliations: 60pt-72pt; use the same san serif font as the title
Headings: 50pt-56pt; use the same san serif font as the title.
Body Text: 36pt-48pt; use a serif font (suggested: Bookman Old Style, Garamond, Palatino Linotype, Times New Roman)
Captions: 18pt-26pt; use same serif font as body text
Figures & Images: should be at least 5x7 and have captions
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Publisher (PC users only)
Adobe InDesign
Boonshoft School of Medicine
Research Poster Templates
Wright State University
Research Poster Templates
Contact your academic department if you want to use the department-specific logo on your poster.