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HED 2340 - Health Behaviors: Finding and Using Sources for Your Assignments

What is Peer Review?

This brief (but excellent) video from California State University, Dominguez Hills explains what peer review is and why it is important.

Useful Databases for Information about Health Behaviors

Evaluating and Reading Your Sources (including research in the health sciences)

Before you rely on ANY type of information (websites, media, books, articles), you should evaluate whether the source is credible. Here are some options that may help.

What does it mean to contribute to the scholarly conversation?

When you write and prepare papers and presentations in your courses and subsequently in your career, you are contributing to the ongoing research conversation about a matter of concern in your chosen career or field.  You are not simply stringing together quotes or summaries from sources, but you are thoughtfully selecting and using sources to demonstrate your own understanding and ideas about the topic.

Take a look at these videos to find out more about how to use sources to contribute to the scholarly conversation while still allowing your own ideas to be heard.

Appropriately Integrating Your Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism

APA Style

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