The Web of Science Citation Index searches the literature that made the biggest research impact. Search SCI when you want to find quality over completeness. Use the Find-It button to determine Wright State University access options to the literature.
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from Clarivate Analytics.]
Search an archive of author-submitted, full-text preprint journal articles in physics. offers limited coverage of related fields: mathematics, computer science, nonlinear studies, and quantitative biology.
[arXiv is an Open Access pre-print server. The papers may not report final research results.]
Use IEEE Xplore digital library (or IEL) to get full-text access to world wide technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, and other related disciplines. IEEE Xplore includes IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, conference proceedings, and standards. IEEE Xplore also points to content from select other publishers including the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), MIT Press, IBM, Alcatel-Lucent, VDE Verlag, Morgan & Claypool, Tsinghua University Press, and Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information (BIAI).
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from IEEE.]
Compendex abstracts content from international journals, conferences, proceedings, and technical reports from a broad array of engineering disciplines. Connections are provided to select full-text content.
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from EI Village/Elsevier.]
Use the SPIE Digital Library to search the full text of technical papers and conference proceedings published by the International Society for Optics and Photonics . The SPIE DL is a good place to find specialized articles on biomedical optics and imaging, defense and industrial sensing, and electronic imaging and processing. This resource has been licensed for the Wright State University Main Campus. The license excludes SPIE eBook access.
[Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from the SPIE.]
Indexes research literature across a wide range of disciplines and formats. Use the library connection to gScholar to get more attached full-text articles. [While Google Scholar provides access to many free articles more article access is provided through Wright State University Libraries purchases.]
SciFinder-n focuses on chemical literature. Search by topic or by chemical structure for materials information, methods, or limited properties. Limited Use: Wright State University Faculty and Students only. [Wright State University Libraries purchased access for you from the American Chemical Society.]
QuickSearch combines results from many search tools for you to review in one list. Results come from the Wright State catalog and hundreds of library databases including all of our Ebscohost databases, JSTOR, the Web of Science, and others.
[Full-text access is purchased for you through the Wright State University Libraries .]